What other plugins do you recommend?

Here are a few free plugins we recommend using in conjunction with the required plugins:

DX Delete Attached Media

Automatically deletes attached media from posts and custom post types added via the Media button. This can save you a lot of storage space on your server when products which are no longer available are removed from your store.

WP Fastest Cache (free version)

This plugin creates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. Setup of this plugin is so easy. You don’t need to modify the .htacces file. It will be modified automatically.

Media Cleaner

If you have a lot of "unattached" images in your Media Library, this plugin can help remove those images and make more space on your server.

WordFence (free version)

This plugin will help you keep your site secure and notify you of any suspicious behaviors or modified files which could be the result of a website breach.

Blackhole for Bad Bots

This can help keep your site from being overloaded by nefarious bots, crawlers and scrapers which also reduces how much you need to spend on hosting.

Limit Login Attempts Reloaded

This plugin stops brute-force attacks and optimizes your site performance by limiting the number of login attempts.

Improved Save Button

If you are creating a lot of Product Sets and those Product Sets are very similar to each other, this plugin can help you save time by making it easy to save and duplicate your Product Sets.

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