Delete a Product Set

Updated May 9, 2023

On May 9th, 2023 we released an update to the Datafeedr Product Sets plugin (version 1.3.20) which prevents the "Delete permanently" link from appearing under Product Sets which have been in the Trash less than one week.

We prevent Product Sets from being Permanently Deleted within one week of being moved to the Trash because a "trashed" Product Set needs time to remove the products it previously imported. If a Product Set is Permanently Deleted before it has removed its products, those products will become "stranded" in your WooCommerce store.

If you absolutely need to permanently delete a Product Set, you can add the following code to your custom plugin:

add_filter( 'dfrps_bypass_premature_delete_check', '__return_true' );

Please note that by adding the above code that you will be responsible for removing the products from your WooCommerce store that were imported by the Product Sets you Permanently Delete before those Product Sets had a chance to remove their own products.

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