Product Sets List Page Features: Screen Options and Help

The Product Sets List Page is where you see all your Product Sets, including your drafts and published Product Sets.

Screen Options

When viewing your Product Sets, you will see different columns. For example: Set Name, Created, Modified, Status, etc. To customize which columns appear on your Product Sets, press Screen Options in the top right hand corner of the screen.

After clicking on Screen Options, you will see all the columns that are available. If you would like a column to appear on your Product Sets, check the box next to that column. If you would like to hide the column from appearing on your Product Sets, uncheck the box next to that column. Press Apply and the columns in your Product Sets will be added or hidden based on your selection.

Help Feature

Next to Screen Options, there is a help tab.

By clicking on this button, you will find information about what each column on the page means such as the Title column, Created column, Modified column, etc. You can also find additional support documentation, or report a bug.

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